We were rather pissed off to find out that our Dresden favourites of Kairo split up. Of course we cheered up when we found out that some of them keep on making good music with a new band called Nowaves. And we stopped being grumpy for a minute and got even happy when they asked us to co-release their first LP. And here it is – mostly slow and moody, rather min-imalistic and some electronic schubidu here and there make this an interesting listen. The people have been (or still are) in bands like Kairo, Pisse and Eleanor Lance. If this doesn’t help: Think of early Abwärts and old Wave stuff and you get it. Perfect for long train rides with rainy weather outside or for drinking cheap wine at the waterfront. Me likes, and you will, too – promised
12,00 €
4 vorrätig
4 vorrätig