Franky Shampoo – The Lost Tapes

Out of one of the tidiest bathrooms ever to grace the Sonnenberg-district of Chemnitz sprung the one and only Franky Shampoo.
In a time when Myspace was still worth billions of megabuck he armed himself with sunglasses, foam and a 4-track-recorder to shake the walls of his bedroom.
Informed by the melodic outbursts of The Saints or Marked Men and their ilk Franky set out to find his own weird Punkrock vision.
Just a tiny amount of cassette tapes was self-released at the time – now It‘s Eleven Records brings this little gem back to daylight in remastered hi-fidelity for your listening pleasure in the original cassette format.

It`s Eleven Records
c/o Martin Schmiedel
Postfach 23 01 63
09054 Chemnitz


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